
  • Xoshimova Dilnoza Sobit qizi Student of Alfraganus University Dxoshimova8@icloud.com

Ключевые слова:

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), authentic texts,trainer-supervisor,communication skills, sociolinguistics communication, interpersonal skills,


At this time, many people want to improve their English or teach their children Englishwants to know the language well. There are many opportunities to learn English through formal education, travel, study abroad, media, and the Internet. The overwhelming demand for English has created a great need for quality language education. For this reason, the way we teach and what we teach are more important than ever. Modern teachers who teach language students today know many techniques and methods. This the topic of the presentation is also related to one of the teaching methods - the communicative approach of language. This publication seeks to examine the effectiveness of using teaching methods in English classrooms. Because it can change students' understanding of language. In addition, learning to communicate makes students more confident in communicating with other people and they enjoy talking more.The sample chapter contains detailed information about the importance of learning English, the role of the teacher. Communication in the study of communication the main components of learning and related language learning activities.

Библиографические ссылки

Galloway, A. (1993). Communicative language teaching: An Introduction and Sample Activities. ERIC Digest, ED357642.

Omaggio Hadley, A. (1993). Teaching languages context.

Boston,Mass.: Heinle & Heinle

Canadian Social Science, 5(2), p. 46-55.

Hayati, M. (2007). Teaching English for Special Purposes in Iran: problend

Suggestions.Ha, pit in Higher Education.

Hymes, D. (1971). "Competence and RePrise in is an i in,

Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, (2010). Buku Pegei Si Palembang: Politeknik

Kaisheng, H. (2007). Reconsideration on

CLT in College English: Theory and• pnj.ac.id


