
  • Kurbanbayeva Dilfuza Mirzaxmatovna (A fouth-year students of UzSWLU in the 3rd Faculty of English Language ) Scientific supervisor: Seytimbetova Aykumar Pulatbayevna
  • Hikmatova Zilola Fakhriddinovna (A fouth-year students of UzSWLU in the 3rd Faculty of English Language ) Scientific supervisor: Seytimbetova Aykumar Pulatbayevna

Ключевые слова:

poems, poetry, effectiveness, methods, phonetic skills, intonation, grammar competence, approaches, primary school learners.


The article analyzed the effectiveness of using poems as one of the teaching methods that teachers use in their lessons. In this article stated that productiveness of learning poetry reached by several stages of it using that is necessary to be enhanced by teachers. The stages of introduction, consolidation of lexical and grammatical material were described with its example. It was concluded that poetic form of texts was an effective material to develop linguistic skills of learners in studying English language.

Библиографические ссылки

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General Resources for the Beginning Teacher

http: // www.usc.edu/dept/teaching/CMMR/CMMR BTSA home.html#Resources BeginningTeachers

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More than Words: How Grammar Can Change Your Poetry - Read Poetry https://www.readpoetry.com/more-than-words-how-grammar-can-change-your-poetry/#:~:text=The%20traditional%20rules%20of%20grammar,them%E2%80%94especially%20in%20contemporary%20poetry


