
  • Г. И.Шарипова PhD., доцент Aбу Aли ибн Сино номидаги Бухоро давлат тиббиёт институти, Ўзбекистон


рацион, специфик, носпецифик таъсир


Ушбу мақолада  рационал овқатланишнинг инсон организмидаги роли, оқилона овқатланиш кўрсаткичлари, меъёр ва юзага келиши мумкин бўлган патологик кўрсаткичлари тўғрисида  маълумот берилган.        


Sharipova G. I. The effect of dental treatment-profilactics on the condition of oral cavity organs in children with traumatic stomatitis // Тиббиётда янги кун. Бухара. – 2022. – № 5 (43). – С. 103-106. (14.00.00; № 22)

Шарипова Г. И. Эрта ёшдаги болалар травматик стоматитлар билан оғриганда оғиз бўшлиғи микрофлорасининг иммуно-микробиологик жиҳатлари // Биология ва тиббиёт муаммолари. Самарқанд. – 2022. – № 2 (136). – С. 296-298. (14.00.00; № 19)

Sharipova G. I. Light and laser radiation in medicine // European journal of modern medicine and practice. Belgium. – 2022. – Т. 2. – №. 1. – С. 36-41. (Impact factor: 5.71)

Sharipova G. I. The use of flavonoid based medications in the treatment of inflammatory diseases in oral mucus //Asian journal of Pharmaceutical and biological research. India. – 2022. – Т. 11. – №. 1. – С. 2231-2218. (Impact factor: 4.465)

Sharipova G. I.Changes in the content of trace elements in the saliva of patients in the treatment of patients with traumatic stomatitis with flavonoid-based drugs // Journal of research in health science. Iran. – 2022. – Т. 6. – № 1-2. – С. 23-26. (Scopus)

Sharipova G. I., Nuraliyev N. A. General description and research methods used in children with traumatic stomatitis // European Journal of Research. Austria. – 2022.– Т. 7. – № 1. – С. 51-56. (Impact factor: 4.981)

Kamalova M. К., Sharipova G. I. Technique of therapeutic effect of low-intensity laser radiation in case of oral trauma // «World Bulletin of Public Health». – Germany. – 2021. – №. 4. – С. 69-72. (Impact factor: 5.93)

Sharipova G. I. Paediatric Lazer Dentistry //International Journal of Culture and Modernity. Spain. – 2022. – Т. 12. – С. 33-37.

Sharipova G. I. The effectiveness of the use of magnetic-infrared-laser therapy in traumatic injuries of oral tissues in preschool children //Journal of Academic Leadership. India. – 2022. – Т. 21. – №. 1.

Sharipova G. I. Discussion of results of personal studies in the use of mil therapy in the treatment of trauma to the oral mucosa //European journal of molecular medicine. Germany. – 2022. – Т. 2. – №. 2. – С. 17-21.

Sharipova G. I. Peculiarities of the morphological structure of the oral mucosa in young children // International journal of conference series on education and social sciences. (Online) May. Turkey. – 2022. – С. 36-37.

Sharipova G. I. Dynamics of cytological changes in the state of periodontal tissue under the influence of dental treatment prophylactic complex in young children with traumatic stomatitis // Multidiscipline Proceedings of digital fashion conference April. Korea. – 2022. – С. 103-105.

Шарипова Г.И. Травматик стоматит билан оғриган болаларда стоматологик касалликларни комплекс стоматологик даволаш ва уларнинг олдини олишни баҳолаш // Ўзбекистонда миллий тадқиқотлар: даврий анжуманлар: 18-қисм. Тошкент. –2021. – С. 14-15.

Шарипова Г.И. Мaктaбгaчa ёшдaги болaлaрдa оғиз бўшлиғи юмшоқ тўқимaлaрининг шикaстлaнишлaрини комплекс дaволaшдa мaгнит-инфрaқизил-лaзер терaпиясини қўллaш сaмaрaдорлиги // Услубий тавсиянома. Бухоро. – 2022. – 21 б.

Karshiyeva D.R.,Atmospheric dust and its effects on human health//ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal. Voleme: 11 Issue: 03I May 2021 ISSN: 2249-7137. Page 1168-1172

Karshiyeva D.R.,The Importance of Water Quality and Quantity in Strengthening the Health and Living Conditions of the Population//CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND NATURAL SCIENCES. Voleme: 02 Issue: 05I Oct 28 2021 Page 399-402

Karshiyeva D.R.,The Role Of Human Healthy And Safe Lifestyle In The Period Of Global Pandemic-Covid 19//The American Journal of Applied Sciences.Voleme: 02 Issue: 11-15I November 28, 2020 ISSN: 2689-0992. Page 78-81


