
  • G‘afforov Javohir Farhodjon o‘g‘li Qarshi xalqaro universiteti assistent-o‘qituvchisi


Standartlarga asoslangan baholash, Finlyandiya ta’limi, startap education, mobil ta’lim, onlayn ta’lim, aralashtirilgan ta’lim, uyda ta’lim.


Ushbu maqolada zamonaviy ta’lim olishdagi yangiliklar va dasturiy ta'minotlar mavzusida keng ma'lumotlar mavjud. Masofaviy ta’lim tizimi, zamonaviy pedagogik texnologiyalar, o‘qitishning innovatsion usullari, axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari kabi muhim yangiliklar zamonaviy ta’limda qo‘llanilmoqda. Bu texnologiyalar o‘quvchilarining o‘rganish motivatsiyasini aniqlash, o‘z faoliyatini ta'minlash va yangi bilimlarni jalb qilishda muhim ahamiyatga ega. Onlayn ta’limning o‘sishi ham katta ahamiyat ega. COVID-19 pandemiyasi bilan birga onlayn ta’limning o‘sishi va bu yo‘lda ta’lim sifatini saqlab qolish va ta'minlashning eng samarali usullari ushbu maqolada yoritilgan.


Nwabueze, A. I. & Isilebo, N. C. (2022). Modern trends in educational development. In Y.M. Abdulrahman,

R.O. Anyaogu, N.J. Izuagba & R.O. Osim (Eds.) International and comparative education: Cross-cultural approach (Pp. 545-558). Port Harcourt: Celwil Publishers.

Nwabueze, A. I. & Isilebo, N. C. (2022). Modern trends in educational development. In Y.M. Abdulrahman,

R.O. Anyaogu, N.J. Izuagba & R.O. Osim (Eds.) International and comparative education: Cross-cultural approach (Pp. 545-558). Port Harcourt: Celwil Publishers.

Nwabueze, A. I. & Isilebo, N. C. (2022). Modern trends in educational development. In Y.M. Abdulrahman,

R.O. Anyaogu, N.J. Izuagba & R.O. Osim (Eds.) International and comparative education: Cross-cultural approach (Pp. 545-558). Port Harcourt: Celwil Publishers.

Nwabueze, A. I. & Isilebo, N. C. (2022). Modern trends in educational development. In Y.M. Abdulrahman,

R.O. Anyaogu, N.J. Izuagba & R.O. Osim (Eds.) International and comparative education: Cross-cultural approach (Pp. 545-558). Port Harcourt: Celwil Publishers.

Nwabueze, A. I. & Isilebo, N. C. (2022). Modern trends in educational development. In Y.M. Abdulrahman,

R.O. Anyaogu, N.J. Izuagba & R.O. Osim (Eds.) International and comparative education: Cross-cultural

approach (Pp. 545-558). Port Harcourt: Celwil Publishers.

Nwabueze, A. I. & Isilebo, N. C. (2022). Modern trends in educational development. In Y.M. Abdulrahman,

R.O. Anyaogu, N.J. Izuagba & R.O. Osim (Eds.) International and comparative education: Cross-cultural approach (Pp. 545-558). Port Harcourt: Celwil Publishers.

Nwabueze, A. I. & Isilebo, N. C. (2022). Modern trends in educational development. In Y.M. Abdulrahman,

R.O. Anyaogu, N.J. Izuagba & R.O. Osim (Eds.) International and comparative education: Cross-cultural approach (Pp. 545-558). Port Harcourt: Celwil Publishers.

Nwabueze, A. I. & Isilebo, N. C. (2022). Modern trends in educational development. In Y.M. Abdulrahman,

R.O. Anyaogu, N.J. Izuagba & R.O. Osim (Eds.) International and comparative education: Cross-cultural approach (Pp. 545-558). Port Harcourt: Celwil Publishers.

Nwabueze, A. I. & Isilebo, N. C. (2022). Modern trends in educational development. In Y.M. Abdulrahman,

R.O. Anyaogu, N.J. Izuagba & R.O. Osim (Eds.) International and comparative education: Cross-cultural approach (Pp. 545-558). Port Harcourt: Celwil Publishers.

Nwabueze, A. I. & Isilebo, N. C. (2022). Modern trends in educational development. In Y.M. Abdulrahman,

R.O. Anyaogu, N.J. Izuagba & R.O. Osim (Eds.) International and comparative education: Cross-cultural approach (Pp. 545-558). Port Harcourt: Celwil Publishers.

Nwabueze, A. I. & Isilebo, N. C. (2022). Modern trends in educational development. In Y.M. Abdulrahman,

R.O. Anyaogu, N.J. Izuagba & R.O. Osim (Eds.) International and comparative education: Cross-cultural approach (Pp. 545-558). Port Harcourt: Celwil Publishers.

Nwabueze, A. I. & Isilebo, N. C. (2022). Modern trends in educational development. In Y.M. Abdulrahman, R.O. Anyaogu, N.J. Izuagba & R.O. Osim (Eds.) International and comparative education: Cross-cultural approach (Pp. 545-558). Port Harcourt: Celwil Publishers.

Long, Cindy. Are Letter Grades Failing Our Students? National Education Association. August 19, 2015.

Westberry, L. Grading for Mastery, Not Mystery. ASCD. July 11, 2019.


