Ключевые слова:
audio-linguistic, communicative orientation, task-based orientation, large-scale production, evaluation criteria, general project, student communication, smartphones.Аннотация
This article is aimed at finding out in our country how awareness of the support of new technologies, their activities and programs in the lingafon room is in such a hurry. To get into the general idea, the methods are put into practice and tagged with each other. This article attributed the techniques used in English lessons to the use of the upper gorge.
Библиографические ссылки
Project-based education using information technology by David Moursund at the International Society for educational technology, 2003
High school students as Multimedia designers: a project-based educational approach by Liu, Min; Hsiao, interactive education research Yu-PingJournal, Vol. 13, No. 4, Winter 2002
The British Council (. http://learnenglish.b