
  • Muydinov Mukhammadali Faculty of History of Fergana State University 3rd year student

Ключевые слова:

Turkestan, Russian Empire, Khanate of Khiva, Emirate of Bukhara, Khanate of Kokan, colony, general - governorship , freedom movement, management, military, industry, agrarian, deportation policy, national liberation , war, uezd, volost, iron road, state, king, duma, rebellion, bek.


The destruction of the Bekovich-Cherkassky expedition and the failure of the Perovsky campaign in 1839 had not yet left the minds of the Russian generals. Khiva, the third of the Uzbek khanates, posed a serious threat to the colonists with its independence. At the end of 1872, at a secret council led by the minister of war in Petersburg, with the participation of the governors-general of Turkestan, Orenburg and the viceroy in the Caucasus, it was decided to invade Khiva Khanate.

Библиографические ссылки

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