Ключевые слова:
corruption proofing, legislation, normative legal acts, drafts legal acts, corruption related factors, scientific and independent experts.Аннотация
This article delineates fundamental mechanisms of corruption proofing of legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan with its unique history, development tendency, theoretical backgrounds as well as legal basis of successful operation of such mechanism. Besides, questions of further theoretical research and suggestions on simplifying the systems are thoroughly analyzed and provided with the primary aim of building legislation free from corruption.
Библиографические ссылки
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Aloev Ulug'bek Makhmudovich Doctor of Philosophy (PhD in Law) on the topic "Improving legal mechanisms for assessing the impact of legislation in the fight against corruption" with the specialty "12.00.12 - Problems of corruption (in legal sciences)" year of 2022.
Order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 24.02.2021 № 3287 “On approval of the Regulation on the procedure for conducting anti-corruption expertise of normative legal acts and their drafts”
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