
  • Khamdamova Maxfuza English teacher : Kagan District School number 15.

Ключевые слова:

Critical Thinking, Thinking, Learning.


This study explained critical thinking skills in education processes and the importance of thinking critically for a student who attends any education programme. Developing the ability to think critically is an important element for modern education approaches and models. This study intends to give a framework on the concept of thinking critically while teaching or learning. The world is getting both more technical and more complex day by day life environment, that’s why the necessity for education increases for each growing generation. The skill of thinking critically is generally accepted as a very vital stage in every field of learning, particularly in the last decades. As a study draws a general suggestion on the importance of critical thinking skills.

Библиографические ссылки

American Philosophical Association (1990).Critical thinking: A statement of expert consensus for purposes of educational assessment and instruction.“The Delphi Report ‘Committee on pre-college philosophy.(ERIC Doc. No.ED 315 423).

Bowell, T. & Kemp, K. (2002). Critical Thinking: A Concise Guide. Rutledge Press.

Emir, S. (2009). Education Faculty Students’ Critical Thinking Disposition According to Achedemic Achievement. World Conference Education Science, 1.

Giancarlo, C. A., Blohm, S. W., &Urdan, T. (2004). Assessing secondary students' disposition toward critical thinking: Development of the California measure of mental motivation. Educational and Psychological Measurement.

Guven, M., &Kurum, D. (2004). The relationship between teacher candidates’ Learning Styles and Critical Thinking Dispositions. An investigation on the Students in Faculty of Education in Anadolu University, 1.

Halpern, D.F. (1996). Thought and Knowledge: An introduction to Critical Thinking. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Hirose, S. (1992).Critical thinking in Community Collages. ERIC Digest Retrieved August, 30, 2006 from

McGregor Debra (2007). Developing Thinking, Developing Learning. Open University Press, 9

Paul, R. (1989). Regarding a definition of critical thinking. Paper presented at the International Conference on Critical Thinking and Educational Reform’s 25th conference, Rohert Park, CA, United States of America

Paul, R. & Elder, L. (2008) Critical thinking: tools for taking charge of your learning and your life. Pearson/Prentice Hall.

American Philosophical Association (1990).Critical thinking: A statement of expert consensus for purposes of educational assessment and instruction.“The Delphi Report ‘Committee on pre-college philosophy.(ERIC Doc. No.ED 315 423).

Bowell, T. & Kemp, K. (2002). Critical Thinking: A Concise Guide. Rutledge Press.

Emir, S. (2009). Education Faculty Students’ Critical Thinking Disposition According to Achedemic Achievement. World Conference Education Science, 1.

Giancarlo, C. A., Blohm, S. W., &Urdan, T. (2004). Assessing secondary students' disposition toward critical thinking: Development of the California measure of mental motivation. Educational and Psychological Measurement.

Guven, M., &Kurum, D. (2004). The relationship between teacher candidates’ Learning Styles and Critical Thinking Dispositions. An investigation on the Students in Faculty of Education in Anadolu University, 1.

Halpern, D.F. (1996). Thought and Knowledge: An introduction to Critical Thinking. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Hirose, S. (1992).Critical thinking in Community Collages. ERIC Digest Retrieved August, 30, 2006 from

McGregor Debra (2007). Developing Thinking, Developing Learning. Open University Press, 9

Paul, R. (1989). Regarding a definition of critical thinking. Paper presented at the International Conference on Critical Thinking and Educational Reform’s 25th conference, Rohert Park, CA, United States of America

Paul, R. & Elder, L. (2008) Critical thinking: tools for taking charge of your learning and your life. Pearson/Prentice Hall.





