
  • Abdullaeva Umida Nigmatullaevna Supervisor: Senior Teacher at Uzbek State World Languages University
  • Radjabova Gulmira Alievna Student at Uzbek State World Languages University

Ключевые слова:

hypothetical premise, distinctive supposition, address, learners.


The foremost reason of the utilize of intellectual’s methodologies in partitioned learning of exterior lingos is to incorporate understudies inside the prepare of energetic learning, to help them make data and examine capacities. Naturally methodologies are based on the energetic relationship between educators and understudy, full understanding of each other. The extraordinary objective of the introduction of naturally methodologies inside the learning handle is to organize the interaction of the teacher and the understudy inside the classroom, in any case of the shape of the lesson.

Библиографические ссылки

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