Ключевые слова:
Amir Temur, patriotism, istedadli sarkarda, Temur traps, Nizamiddin Shami.Аннотация
The Maskur article covers the role of Timur traps in educating young people in the spirit of military patriotism. The “Iron traps”, essay with sokhibiran pencil, place bemisl pride in the hearts of young people, fulfilling the task of an invaluable school in growing them truly human, raising them as fearless and brave, intelligent and patriotic. The historical works of Amir Temur and their attitude to their writing, the exactingness to be khaqqani are worthy of the taxins. Before our eyes stands a poisonous human urine, which has great knowledge, is wise, possesses thoughtful life experience, thinks of future generations, burns and burns for the motherland, property and nation.
Библиографические ссылки
S.Mamajonov military history textbook Fergana.2021
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Mikhail Ivanin. Genghis Khan and Amir Temur. - T.: New century generation, 2018. – 301 B.
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Mikhail Ivanin. Genghis Khan and Amir Temur. - T.: New century generation, 2018. – 301 b.
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Temur dust Tashkent-2005. East