
  • Nargizakhon Khodjayeva Saydolim kizi


This article offers a comprehensive analysis of the pedagogical features inherent in self-study, exploring different types. Self-study, a well-known educational approach, gives students the opportunity to take control of their learning process, promoting autonomy. Based on an extensive literature review, this study identifies self-learning in the context of education and highlights its importance for developing lifelong learning skills. The article delves into the methodologies, theories, and structures of self-study, clarifying the underlying pedagogical theories that underlie the practice of self-study. In addition, it explores different types of self-learning, including independent learning, self-directed learning, and autonomous learning, highlighting their unique characteristics and implications for educational practice. By summarizing existing research and insights, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of self-learning pedagogy and provides valuable guidance to educators, researchers, and policy makers on how to create effective environments for self-directed learning.

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