Asbobni nuqtaga markazlashtirish, gorizontal holatga keltirish, shovun, optik markazlash, priyom usuli, vexa, verner, sanoq, doira chapda, doira o‘ngda, birinchi yarim priyom, to`liq priyom, doiraviy priyom usuli. takrorlash usuli.Abstract
Bringing the tool into working position and pointing at the object, make horizontal, preparation for groove observation, angle measurement methods, priom method, circle principle method, repetition method, method of correcting zeros The theodolite is centered using a funnel or an optical device. Show when working with, after the instrument is mounted on a tripod and fixed with a set screw, the tripod is placed on point B, the head of the tripod is approximately horizontal brought and the tripod legs firmly fixed to the ground. in which the lifting screws it should stand between the lines.
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