Ushbu maqolada estrada tushunchasi va uni ijrochilik uslubi haqida ma’lumot berilgan. Shuningdek, estrada ijrochiligining muhim san’ati hisoblangan jaz janri va va uning ijrochilik faoliyati xususida qayd etilgan. Jaz janrida estrada xonandasining ijro faoliyati haqida fikr-mulohazalar bildirilgan
Avdeeva L. From the history of Uzbek national dance // Gafur Gulom Publishing House of Literature and Art. - Tashkent, 2014. - B
“Jazz Origins in New Orleans – New Orleans Jazz National Historical Park”. National Park Service.
Backing vocals (English backing vocal - lit. singing in the background), or vocals - a song performance that accompanies the main vocal part.
Mokhonko A. In Jaz standards // Left Bank. - 2003. - March 27.
Romanova L.V. School of pop vocal / Vocal art → Pop and Jaz vocals [Text]. Tutorial. St. Petersburg: "Lan", 2007. - 40 p.
Vintage (Eng. Vintage) Currently, the style is one of the most popular. The use of vintage style suggests scope for imagination.
Seth Riggs Sing Like a Star [Text]. Part 2 (of 2) / Vocal art → Pop and Jaz vocals. SPb.: "Peter". 2007. – 120 p.