
  • Xamraliyev Bunyodbek student of English language and literature faculty
  • Akhmadaliyeva D

Ключевые слова:



This article delves into the pivotal role of lesson observation in the field of education, emphasizing its multifaceted significance in enhancing teaching quality, fostering professional development, and elevating student learning outcomes. The article explores the methods employed in lesson observation, the resulting impact on teaching practices and student engagement, and the broader implications for educational institutions. Through a systematic examination of the observational process, this work highlights lesson observation as a catalyst for individual growth, institutional improvement, and the cultivation of a collaborative educational culture. By combining theoretical insights with practical applications, the article underscores the transformative potential of lesson observation in shaping the trajectory of education, making a compelling case for its continued integration into the educational landscape.

Библиографические ссылки

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