Ключевые слова:
antenna, GPS, skaner, dispetcher, patrul punkti.Аннотация
Mazkur maqolada zamonaviy simsiz aloqa tizimining xususiyatlari, Favqulodda signal funktsiyasi, Zamonaviy simsiz aloqa tizimi dispetcherlik stantsiyasi, o'rni uzatish stantsiyasi, quvvat taqsimlagichi, ulagich, splitter, kombinator, signal uzatgich kuchaytirgichi, dispetcher signalini bog'lash dasturi haqida ma’lumotlar berilgan.
Библиографические ссылки
Akhmedov, B. A. (2021). Zadachi obespecheniya nadejnosti clusternyx system vcontinuous educational environment. Eurasian Education Science and Innovation
Journal, 1(22), 15-19.
Akhmedov, BA, Khalmetova, MX, Rahmonova, GS, Khasanova, S. Kh.
(2020). Cluster method for the development of creative thinking of students of higher educational institutions. Economics and society, 12(79), 588-591.
Akhmedov, BA, Makhkamova, MU, Aydarov, EB, Rizayev, OB (2020).
Trends in the use of the pedagogical cluster to improve the quality of information technology lessons. Economics and society, 12(79), 802-804.
Akhmedov, BA, Majidov, JM, Narimbetova, ZA, Kuralov, Yu. A. (2020).
Active interactive and distance forms of the cluster method of learning in development of higher education. Economics and society, 12(79), 805-808.