Stylistics (Greek: stylos) means writing, letter stick, stylistics studies the language styles of linguistics, the nature of the functional layering of the language from the point of view of lexical-phraseological, phonetic, morphological, synchrony and diachrony. Modern stylistics is understood differently in different language directions and schools, but styles are the main subject of study of the science of stylistics. Stylistics, in turn, is divided into such types as functional stylistics, linguistic unit stylistics, text stylistics, literary stylistics (artistic speech), applied stylistics, comparative stylistics, and historical stylistics.
Библиографические ссылки
Terexova G.V. Teoriya i praktika perevoda. Uchebnoe posobie. - Orenburg, 2004. 103s.
Golikova J.A. Learn to translate by translating from English into Russian. - 4- e izd. M.: Nov. izdanie, 2008. - 287 s.
Barxudarov L.S. Yazik i perevod. M.: Prosveshenie, 1996. 209 s.
Krushel'niskaya K.G., Popov M.N. Soveti perevodchiku. - M.: Astrel', 2010.31s.