
  • Lobar Zokirova JSPU

Ключевые слова:

newspaper, political, discourse, text, information, communication, media.


Political newspaper discourse has an inter-discursive vector of development, in it we see a combination of political discourse, media discourse and newspaper discourse (for example, publicity, influencing function, etc.). Since political newspaper discourse requires a response from the readership (understanding, agreement with the presented assessment) we should also talk about discourse as a social interaction. To engage in interaction means to engage in a continuous process of "negotiations" related both to assumptions about what others intend to report and to the control of their own speech production. For political newspaper discourse, the status of the speaker is important, that is, the figure of a political figure, the status of a political party, the ideological format of a newspaper publication.

Библиографические ссылки

Bocharova, E.A. Pre-election political discourse as a special sphere of communication / E.A. Bocharova // Bulletin of the RUDN. Ser. Linguistics. 2012

Gavrilova, M.V. Political discourse as an object of linguistic analysis / M.V. Gavrilova // Political studies. 2004.

Baranov, A.G. Cognotypicity of text: to the problem of levels of abstraction of textual activity / A.G. Baranov // Genres of speech: Collection of Articles – Saratov: College, 1997

Dyck, T.A. van. Discourse and power: Representation of dominance in language and communication: trans. from English / T.A. van Dijk. – M.: LIBROCOM, 2013

Kibrik, A.A. Modus, genre and other parameters of the classification of discourses / A.A. Kibrik // Questions of Linguistics. – 2009

