
  • Umida Abdushukurova BA Student at Uzbekistan State World Languages University abdushukurovaumida710@gmail.com, +998942177035

Ключевые слова:

dystopian novel, totalitarian regime, authoritarianism, thoughtcrime, doublethink, Big Brother, the glass paperweight, Room 101, Thought Police, weaponization.


This article explores the intertwined themes of freedom and rebellion in George Orwell's seminal dystopian novel, '1984.' Set against the backdrop of a totalitarian regime, the narrative delves into the mechanisms of oppression employed by the Party to obliterate personal and political freedom. The analysis examines key symbols, such as Big Brother and the glass paperweight, and central characters, notably Winston Smith, whose acts of defiance, including his illicit affair with Julia, signify profound, albeit doomed, attempts at reclaiming individual autonomy. Through an in-depth look at the Party's manipulation of language, history, and reality, this article underscores Orwell's chilling portrayal of a society where rebellion is systematically crushed, and freedom is an illusion. By contextualizing '1984' within Orwell's own anti-totalitarian views and the post-World War II era, the discussion highlights the novel's enduring relevance in contemporary debates on surveillance, censorship, and the resilience of the human spirit. Ultimately, this article affirms '1984' as a powerful cautionary tale about the fragility of freedom and the inherent drive towards resistance in the face of tyranny.

Библиографические ссылки

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