
  • Alimova Zebo Khamidullaevna
  • Sabirova Diloram Qobulovna
  • Niyazova Gulhayo Parpiyevna

Ключевые слова:

corrosion, wear, concentration of additives, anti-corrosion additives, surfaces of parts, viscosity, sulfur compounds, alkalis, mineral acids.


One of the functions of the oil is to protect the surface of parts from corrosion. As a result of corrosion processes, the surface layer of parts is loosened and destroyed, which inevitably leads to their increased wear and a decrease in the overall service life of the engines.Corrosion becomes especially intense when the engine is operated or stored in hot, humid climates. In this case, oil plays a double role: on the one hand, it protects the surfaces of parts from the aggressive influence of the external environment; on the other hand, the oil itself is corrosive due to the presence of corrosive substances in it.In order to combat corrosion, special additives are added to the oils. Anti-corrosion additives are mainly polar substances that easily adsorb to metal surfaces.

Библиографические ссылки

Jerichov, B. B. Automobile maintenance materials: textbook. allowance. state architect build un-t - SPb., 2009 .- 256 p.

Kirichenko N.B. Automobile maintenance materials: Textbook. – M.: Publishing Center "Academy" 2012.-208 pp.

Alimova, Z. X., Kholikova, N. A., Kholova, S. O., & Karimova, K. G. (2021, October). Influence of the antioxidant properties of lubricants on the wear of agricultural machinery parts. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol.868,No.1, p.012037).

Hamidullayevna, A. Z., & Ismailovich, I. K. (2023). Improving the ability of motor oils to the effects of high temperatures. Open Access Repository, 4(04), 77-81.

Alimova, Z. (2023). Effect of activation of alkaline additives in oils for wear of engine parts. Scienceweb academic papers collection.

Alimova, Z., & Ibrahimov, K. (2023). Dependence of changes in the properties of motor oils on the operating conditions of the engine. International Bulletin of Applied Science and Technology, 3(4), 288-292.

Hamidullayevna, A. Z., & Ismailovich, I. K. (2023). Causes of changes in the properties of motor oils in the high temperature zone of the engine. American Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 3(01), 1-5.

Hamidullayevna, A. Z., & Ismailovich, I. K. (2023). Antifriction Properties of Lubricants and Their Effect on the Viscosity of Oils. European Journal of Emerging Technology and Discoveries, 1(1), 65-68.

Alimova Zebo Khamidullaevna, Sobirova Dilorom Kobulovna, & Yuldasheva Gulnora Buranovna. (2021). Improve The Physico - Chemical Properties Of Hydraulic Oils Way Of Introduction Of Additives. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(12), 1–5.

Xamidullayevna, A. Z., & Ahmatjanovich, M. M. I. (2021). Study of Anti-Corrosion Properties of Lubricants and Ways to Improve them. Design Engineering, 3811-3819.

Alimova, Z., Axmatjanov, R., & Sidikov, F. (2023). Vliyanie ekspluatatsionnыx svoystv masel na texnicheskoe sostoyanie dvigatelya. Evraziyskiy jurnal texnologiy i innovatsiy, 1(4), 241-244.

Sobirjonov, A., Alimova, Z. X., Niyazova, G. P., Ayrapetov, D. A., & Siddikov, R. B. (2021). Prevention of corrosion and accelerated wear of agricultural machinery. Ilkogretim Online-Elementary Education Online, 20(5), 7482-7486.

Khamidullaevna, A. Z., & Faxriddin, S. (2022). The aging process of motor oils during operation. European International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies, 2(06), 166-169.

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