
  • Alimova Zebo Khamidullaevna
  • Sabirova Diloram Qobulovna
  • Niyazova Gulhayo Parpiyevna

Ключевые слова:

oil quality, contamination, viscosity, alkaline number, varnish deposits, piston rings, experimental data, cleaning additives


This article examines the changes in oil quality during engine operation. The main reason leading to the formation of high-temperature deposits in engines are oxidative processes occurring in the oil volume and on the metal surface. These deposits negatively affect the reliability, efficiency and durability of the engine. The greatest danger of varnish deposition is for piston rings. By filling the gaps formed by the piston rings and the grooves drilled in the pistons, it reduces the mobility of the rings. Therefore, we suggest introducing detergent additives into the engine oil.

Библиографические ссылки

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