
  • Arzumuratov Allamurat Tashkent Hygrometeorogical Techical school special science teacher, 45 Str.Takhtapul, 100019 Tashkent, Uzbekistan


land classification, gis technologies, remote sensing, land cover analysis, spatial distribution, environmental changes, urbanization


Land classification is a crucial aspect of land management and planning. Geographic Information System (GIS) technologies and remote sensing have revolutionized the way we classify and analyze land cover and land use patterns. This article provides an in-depth exploration of the utilization of GIS technologies and remote sensing for land classification purposes.The integration of GIS and remote sensing allows for the efficient categorization and analysis of land cover, facilitating the identification of different land use types and their spatial distribution. This integration provides valuable insights into environmental changes, urbanization, agricultural patterns, and natural resource management. Moreover, it enables the creation of accurate land cover maps, which are instrumental for policy-making, environmental monitoring, and sustainable development initiatives.Furthermore, the article highlights the diverse applications of GIS and remote sensing in land classification, including but not limited to monitoring forest cover changes, mapping wetlands, assessing agricultural productivity, and analyzing urban expansion. By leveraging GIS technologies and remote sensing, land classification processes are made more precise, cost-effective, and less time-consuming.


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