
  • Khokimyatov Azizbek Master of Andijan Machine Building Institute.


labor protection / labor code / guarantees / benefits / Social Protection / women / youth / organizations / rights / labor law / gender equality / labor law. / abortion protection / labor code / guarantees / benefits / Social Protection / Women / Youth / Entrepreneurs / Rights / Labor Protection Act / gender equality / labor law.


In recent years in the life of our state there are changes at an incomparable level. Of these, we must ensure unconditional observance of the rights and legitimate interests of women in our country, guarantee the right to work and support women's entrepreneurship, and mention that over the past four years, large-scale reforms have been carried out aimed at achieving equal rights and opportunities for women and men, ensuring their equal participation in the management of society and Basically, we can see that the new tax of the”Labor Protection Act " (23.09.2016) has come out and that the amendments and additions to the Labor Code also pay special attention to the legislation of labor protection.


B.D.Rahimberganova, Tashkent State Law University Department of labor law teacher.

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