
  • Gulamov Husanboy FarDU Faculty of History 3rd year student.


Jadidism, poets, writers, Ismail Gasprinski, schools and madrasahs, scientific-literal


Turkistan Jadid movement formed as a social event at the end of the nineteenth and at at the beginning of the twentieth centuries. In the formation and development of this movement the role of the poets and writers such as Mahmudkhoja Behbudi (1875-1919), Abdurauf Fitrat (1886-1938), Munavvarqori Abdurashidkhonov (1878-1931), Abdulla Avloniy (1878-1934), Abdulla Qodiriy (1894-1938), Abdulhamid Sulaymon Chulpan(1897-1938), Muhammadsharif Sufizoda (1880-1937), Hamza Hakimzoda Niyoziy (1889-1929), Siddiqiy-Ajziy (1864-1927), Sirojiddin Sidqiy (1884-1934), Ishoqkhon Ibrat (1862-1937), Elbek (1898-1938), Botu (1904-1938) and others has been great. In this article we will discuss  representatives of Jadid literature in the Central Asia.


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