
  • Saidova Mahbuba Ayubovna Teacher of the Department of Physical Culture at the International University of Asia
  • Muradov Mizrob Muzafarovich 2nd year student of physical culture


MUSCLE STRENGTH is of a person muscle tensions at the expense of external overcome resistance or to him resistance show is the ability .


Man of the body something in case standing or whatever action perform muscles activities requirement is enough In this developed tension size muscle power d e b fire acceptance done


Ayubovna, S. M. (2024). Gimnаstikаning-tа’limni rivojlаntiruvchi turlаri." XXI ASRDA INNOVATSION TEXNOLOGIYALAR, FAN VA TAʼLIM TARAQQIYOTIDAGI DOLZARB MUAMMOLAR" Nomli Respublika Ilmiy-Amaliy Konferensiyasi, 2 (1), 100–107.

Ayubovna, S. M. (2024). Gimnаstikа sport turining turlаri va tаsniflаshi.". XXI ASRDA INNOVATSION TEXNOLOGIYALAR, FAN VA TAʼLIM TARAQQIYOTIDAGI DOLZARB MUAMMOLAR" nomli respublika ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi, 2(1), 108-115.

Saidova Mahbuba Ayubovna. (2023). The pedagogical category of physical exercise. Spatial exercises. Research Journal of Trauma and Disability Studies, 2(12), 509–518. Retrieved from

Ayubovna, S. M. (2023). SPORT, ESTETIKA VA ESTETIK TARBIYA. Oriental Journal of Academic and Multidisciplinary Research, 1(3), 82-89.

Ayubovna, S. M. (2023). Harakat malakalarini shakllantirishning fiziologik asoslari va sport texnikasini o ‘rgatish. E'tiqod va madaniyatning kesishgan joylari: Amerika diniy va madaniyat tadqiqotlari jurnali (2993-2599), 1(9), 87-94.

Ayubovna, S. M. (2023). Jismoniy tarbiyaning vositalariga va jismoniy mashqlar xarakteristikasi. TECHNICAL SCIENCE RESEARCH IN UZBEKISTAN, 1(5), 370-378.

Xayrullayevich, S. H. (2023). Acrobat exercise and sports gimnastika sessions through the power of development method. American Journal of Public Diplomacy and International Studies (2993-2157), 1(10), 460-467.

Xayrulloyevich, S. H. (2024). Gimnastika zallardagi talablar va jihozlar." XXI ASRDA INNOVATSION TEXNOLOGIYALAR, FAN VA TAʼLIM TARAQQIYOTIDAGI DOLZARB MUAMMOLAR" Nomli Respublika Ilmiy-Amaliy Konferensiyasi, 2 (1), 125–132.

Xayrulloyevich, S. H. (2024). Gimnastikada himoya yordаm bеrish vа o’zini o’zi strахоvkа (himoya) qilish, jаrоhаtlаnishni оldini оlish chоrаlаri sifаtidа." XXI ASRDA INNOVATSION TEXNOLOGIYALAR, FAN VA TAʼLIM TARAQQIYOTIDAGI DOLZARB MUAMMOLAR" Nomli Respublika Ilmiy-Amaliy Konferensiyasi, 2 (1), 116–124. XXI ASRDA INNOVATSION TEXNOLOGIYALAR, FAN VA TAʼLIM TARAQQIYOTIDAGI DOLZARB MUAMMOLAR" Nomli Respublika Ilmiy-Amaliy Konferensiyasi, 2(1), 116-124.

Xayrullayevich, S. H. (2023). Use of Acrobatic Exercises and Their Terms In The Process of Teaching Gymnastics. Intersections of Faith and Culture: American Journal of Religious and Cultural Studies (2993-2599), 1 (9), 80–86.


