
  • Abdullayeva Ozoda Safibullayevna
  • Khusayinova Guzal Abdursulovna


Global socio-economic and scientific-technical changes are taking place in world practice. In many developed countries, much attention is paid to the development of intelligent educational information systems. In world practice, scientific research is being conducted to improve the quality of education through the use of intelligent platforms, with the goal of automation. Modern information and communication technologies, based on multidimensional databases and intelligent analysis technologies, make it possible to create intelligent systems that provide the necessary dynamic information to the processes of organizing activities. Today, the development and use of intelligent information systems is relevant. Particularly in the field of education, intelligent information systems bring a number of conveniences. For example, in developed countries, artificial intelligence decides the issue of continuing studies or expelling students, passing exams, etc. At the same time, it is important to correctly determine the abilities of students in schools, as well as teach them professional skills. School psychologists have a great responsibility to help students correctly assess their interests, guide them, monitor their mental state and, based on this, correctly determine their professional choices. Therefore, this article describes the stages of creating an intelligent information system called “Psychological Diagnostics System”, the purpose of which is to determine the abilities of students, organize effective training in a certain direction, through an intelligent system, the basis of which is knowledge bases, databases. The designed information system will ensure efficient work with students and their parents, intelligent data analysis, and quality monitoring.


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