
  • Egamberdiyeva Iroda Abdurahimovna The Department of Tour Guiding, Intercultural Communication and Translation Studies, Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages, Andijan, Uzbekistan E-mail:
  • Nasrullayeva Musharrafkhon Mirzosokhib kizi Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature, student of English language and literature

Ключевые слова:

New Uzbekistan, spirituality, ideology, enlightenment, education, upbringing, science, loyalty to the Motherland, enterprise, will, ideological immunity, kindness, responsibility, tolerance, legal culture, innovative thinking, diligence, youth.


: This article highlights the goals and objectives of the formation of socio- cultural and spiritual and moral values among the youth of New Uzbekistan. The article with evidence presents the activities of spiritual and educational councils in  New Uzbekistan and the efforts of statesmen and scientists in the history of Movarounnahr regarding ideas about the values of society and their relationship to science-enlightenment. In this area, conclusions are drawn on the basis of resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers. Also, the article highlights the formation of such qualities among young people as loyalty to the Motherland, enterprise, willpower, ideological immunity, kindness,  responsibility, tolerance, legal culture, non-standard thinking, diligence.

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