
  • Egamberdiyeva Iroda Abdurahimovna The Department of Tour Guiding, Intercultural Communication and Translation Studies, Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages, Andijan, Uzbekistan E-mail: irodaegamberdiyeva76@gmail.com
  • Nasrullayeva Musharrafkhon Mirzosokhib kizi Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature, student of English language and literature

Ключевые слова:

interpersonal communication, paralinguistics, nonverbal communication, facial expressions, gestures, postures.


in this article, as we know, body language, an inseparable part of nonverbal communication, plays an important role in foreign language learning and teaching. Language teachers use body language in interpersonal communication in the classroom for a wide variety of reasons. This article investigates some of the reasons why language teachers use body language in the foreign language classroom.

Библиографические ссылки

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