
  • Murodkhujaeva K.B
  • Siddiqov P.S
  • Sodiqova N.R Tashkent institute of light and textile industry

Ключевые слова:

Special fabrics, mixed composition fabric, abrasion resistance, breathability, tensile strength, penetration.


This article is devoted to the production of special fabrics with competitive, quality indicators that meet the requirements of international standards through the effective use of local raw materials, fully compatible with the climatic conditions of Uzbekistan and with high performance characteristics. At present the textile industry of the republic mainly produces a limited range of household textiles from raw cotton. To date, the production of special fabrics has not been widely spread in our republic. In particular, types of special fabrics widely used in various branches of economy and volumes of their production do not meet the needs. Special fabrics of mixed composition were brought to our country from abroad. At present the demand for these fabrics is satisfied mainly at the expense of private enterprises. The fabrics produced by them do not meet the specified requirements both in volume and especially in quality. Without the creation of new types of products, it is impossible to produce products competitive in the world market, to increase their assortment, to increase the export potential of the industry, to carry out at a high-level product and trade activities. A large amount of scientific material has been accumulated, methods and criteria for the physiological and hygienic assessment of special clothing have been developed, the relationship between the technical parameters of materials and protective clothing as a whole has been established, the basic methodological principles of its design and industrial manufacturing technology have been formulated in accordance with the requirements determined by the specific operating conditions of special clothing.

Библиографические ссылки

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