
  • Ikramov G.A. (Tashkent State Dental Institute)
  • Ikramov Sh.Sh (Tashkent State Dental Institute)
  • Saparbaev M.K (Tashkent State Dental Institute)
  • Ruzibaev D.R (Tashkent State Dental Institute)

Ключевые слова:

At present, to predict the complications of purulent-inflammatory processes, a method has been developed based on the study of the ability of pathogens to inactivate a number of factors of natural anti-infective resistance. A known method for predicting the course of purulent-inflammatory diseases caused by cultures of Staphylococcus aureus or Escherichia colli, including the determination of anti-complementary activity in the pathogen.


Purulent infection occupies one of the leading places in the structure of morbidity among the surgical pathology of the maxillofacial region. Many aspects of pyoinflammatory diseases are currently being revised due to the constantly changing relationship between different types and strains of microbial pathogens and the human body. The very likelihood of developing an infectious process, the features of the clinical course and the prognosis largely depend on the factors that determine these relationships. The effectiveness of the treatment of patients with purulent-inflammatory diseases is largely determined by early diagnosis, which presents significant difficulties, as evidenced by a high percentage of diagnostic errors (30-50%). The situation is aggravated both by the lack of information about the state of the acute odontogenic focus of inflammation, perimaxillary soft tissues, and the lack of available informative diagnostic and prognostic tests.

Библиографические ссылки

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