Ключевые слова:
The article discusses the importance of the idea of interethnic harmony and religious tolerance in the development and progress of countries and, conversely, the decline of interethnic harmony and religious tolerance in independent Uzbekistan and the work done in this direction. Also The essence of the categoriesАннотация
The article discusses the importance of the idea of interethnic harmony and religious tolerance in the development and progress of countries and, conversely, the decline of interethnic harmony and religious tolerance in independent Uzbekistan and the work done in this direction. Also The essence of the categories "religious tolerance" and "interethnic harmony" in this article, the work done in Uzbekistan in the framework of the Action Strategy for 2017-2021 and the goals and objectives set in the Development Strategy for 2022-2026 analyzed.
Библиографические ссылки
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Mirziyoyev Sh.M. "Taqdiri milliy taraqqiyot yo'limizni qatiyat bilan davom ettirib yangi bosqichga ko'taramiz" 1-jild T: "O'zbekiston " IMIU, 2017, 475-bet.
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