
  • Mamaxonov A’zam Abdumajitovich (NamMTI, t.f.d., dots)
  • Xikmatillayev Ismoilxon A’zamxo’ja o’g’li (NamMTI,doktorant)

Ключевые слова:

texnologik mashina, valetsli stanok, yuritma, ishchi organ, yuklanish, quvvat, val, burovchi moment, burchak tezlik,tenzometriya, tenzodatchik, Mathlab.


Maqolada texnologik mashinalar ishchi organlari yuklanishlarini avtomatik tarzda aniqlash va roslash tizimi valetsli  stanok misolida ishlab chiqilgan. Texnologik mashinalar ishchi organlarining kinemetik va dinamik parametrlarini aniqlashning tenzometrik va fotoelektrik uslublari tartibi yaratilgan. Shuningdek Mathlabning App Design yordamida olingan signallarni tahlillash, va me’yoriy qiymatlar asosida boshqrish dasturi yaratilib ining imkoniyatlari ochib berilgan.

Библиографические ссылки

Mamaxonov A.A., “Texnik mexanika’’// O’quv qo’llanma Namangan 2021

Mamaxonov A.A., “Tutorial on technical mechanics” Namangan 2021

Mamakhonov A., Usmonkhujayev S., “The effect of the deformation of the elastic element of the chain drive guide star On the extension parameters”//Problems in the Textile and Light Industry in the Context of Integration of Science and Industry and Ways to Solve Them (PTLICISIWS-2022).Namangan, Uzbekistan 5-6 May 2022

Mamaxonov A.A., Oripov Sh.J., Orifjonov S.U., Wind generator: a clean and sustainable source of energy// Innovations in technology and science education// volume 2 issue 8, 2023. 5.305

Mamaxonov A.A., “The Effect of the Stiffness of a Compound Roller Chain Drive Tension of the Driven Branch” // Natural volatiles and Essential Oils //Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(5): 10611 – 10620

D. Kholboev., A. Mamakhanov., O. Sarimsakov., “Preparation and testing of an experimental version of the device for controlling the parameters of the air fan parameters of the cotton pneumatic transport operating mode”// AIP Conference Proceedings 2789, 040137 (2023)

Azam Mamahonov “Results of an experimental study of Loadings of working body shafts of Resource-efficient chain transmissions” // Jourmal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results Volume 13 Special Issue 7.2022

A.Mamakhonov, A.Djurayev, I.Khikmatullayev. Analysis Of The Regularities Of Changing The Amplitude Values Of The Torque On The Driving And Drived Shaft Of A Chain Drive With An Elastic Element//Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No.7 (2021), 302-313.

A.Djurayev, A.Mamakhonov, I.Khikmatullayev. Analysis Of Regularities Of Rotation Frequency Change And Noise Values Of Chain Drive Shaft With Elastic Element// Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No.7 (2021), 314-322.

D. Kholboev., A. Mamakhanov., O. Sarimsakov., “Study of the possibility of reducing electricity consumption by control of air ventilator parameters in pneumatic transportation of cotton”// European Scholar Journal (ESJ) Vol. 3 No.3, March 2022


