Ключевые слова:
Cotton, Lebozol, growth, development, stimulant.Аннотация
There is a need to develop agro-technologies for obtaining high harvests of cotton under unfavorable and changing weather conditions. In cotton, it is possible to obtain an additional harvest of up to 3.4-6.6 t/s by processing the stimulators belonging to the lebosol group in a complex way in different periods and rates, during the growth period of cotton.
Библиографические ссылки
Abdualimov Sh.Kh., Ravshanova N.O, Rakhimova D.I. Effect of Boms preparation on germination, growth, development and productivity of cotton seedlings // Scientific and practical journal of cotton and grain production. Tashkent-2022. No. 2. p. 61-65.
Abdualimov Sh.Kh., Tajiev K.M. Effect of oxyhumate stimulator application on replanted cotton on dry mass // Scientific and practical journal of cotton and grain production. Tashkent-2022. No. 2. 76-78 p.
Abdualimov Sh.Kh., Shamsiddinov F.R., Turdalieva Sh.T. Effect of new stimulators on cotton leaf surface and productivity in hilly rocky lands of Namangan region // Journal of Biology and Ecology. Tashkent-2019. No. 1. 41-47 p.
Абдурахмонов Н.Б., Қаландаров Н.Н., Мирсодиқов М.М. The effect of biostimulants on the varieties of bright cotton in the conditions of irrigated meadow-gray soils / Innovative development of cotton: theoretical and practical principles, materials of the scientific-practical conference dedicated to the International Cotton Day. Tashkent, October 7, 2021. -B. 124-126.
Rakhimova G.Kh., Karimov M.U and others. Effectiveness of using Baikal EM-1 microbiological fertilizer in cotton. // Current problems in the theory and practice of agrarian science and their solutions, a collection of materials. Tashkent-2020. December 14-15, 148-150 p.