
  • Hikmatova M.F Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali Ibn Sino, Bukhara, Republic of Uzbekistan.

Ключевые слова:

Pomegranate, due to its rich chemical composition, has a beneficial effect on all body systems. All parts of the plant, especially the peel, have the property of inhibiting aldose reductase and alpha glucosidase, enzymes that play an important role in the development of complications in diabetes mellitus [2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16].


To date, a huge experience has been accumulated in the use of pomegranate fruits and bark in folk medicine. One of the favorite plasters used by Avicena was a composition made according to the recipe: they take dry rose petals, wet pomegranate crusts, lentils — five dirhams each, pour one liter of water on them, boil well, filter, rub, knead with rose oil and apply to the sore eye [1,3,5,7,9,11].

Библиографические ссылки

Абу али Ибн Сина «Авиценна». Канон врачебной науки. Книга V.

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Sánchez-Lamar A., Fonseca G., Fuentes J.L.,Cozzi R., Cundari E., Fiore M. et al. Assessment of the genotoxic risk of Punica granatum L. (Punicaceae) whole fruit extracts // J Ethnopharmacol. 2008;115:416—22.

Shema-Didi L., Sela S., Ore L., Shapiro G., Geron R., Moshe G., et al. One year of pomegranate juice intake decreases oxidative stress, inflammation, and incidence of infections in hemodialysis patients: A randomized placebo-controlled trial // Free Radic Biol Med. 2012;53:297—304.

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Khamdamova M. T.Еchographic features variability in the size and shape of the uterus and ovaries in women of the second period of adulthood using various contraceptives //Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research - 2020. – N9 (5). - P.259-263.

Khamdamova M. T.Somatometric characteristics of women of the first and second period of adulthood using different contraceptives with different body types // The american journal of medical sciences and pharmaceutical research - 2020. – N8 (2).- P.69-76.

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Khamdamova M. T. Аgeechographic characteristics of the uterus and ovaries in women of the first and second period of middle age // Biology and integrative medicine. ISSN 2181-8827 2020. №2 - March-April (42).-Р.75-86.

Khamdamova M. T.Аnthropometric characteristics of the physicalstatus of women in the first andsecond period of middle age // New day in medicine. 2020. - № 1 (29).- Р.98-100.

Khamdamova M. T.Аgeechographic characteristics of the uterus and ovaries in womenof the first and second period of middle age //Biology and integrative medicine.– Bukhara. 2020. №2 (42) - Р.75-86.

Khamdamova M. T., Barotova М.М. Modern concepts on the etiopatogenesis of background and precancer diseases of the cervix //ScienceAsia 48 (2022): 31-38 doi: 10.2306/ scienceasia1488-1295.2022.SE009

Khamdamova M. T., Rabiev S. N. Аanatomical and clinical correlations of fetal development assessment in women with different body types and height // ScienceAsia 48 (2022): 23-29 doi: 10.2306/ scienceasia1488-1295.2022.SE008.

Khamdamova M. T., Barotova М.М. Modern concepts about diseases of the cervix // Биология и интегративная медицина. ISSN 2181-8827 2022. №1 январ– феврал (54).С.70-77.

Khamdamova M. T., Urinova Sh.A. Innovative method of teaching students of the department of gynecology // Тиббиётда янги кун. Бухара. 2022 №2 (40), март-апрель, Б.432-435.

Khamdamova M. T., Rabiev S. N. Somatometric characteristics of pregnant women with different body types // Europe's Journal of Psychology, 2021, Vol. 17(3), Р.215-220.

Khamdamova M. T., Barotova М.М. Сlinical aspects of the use of laser photodynamic therapy in cervical pathology // American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences 2021, 11(4): 353-355 DOI: 10.5923/j.ajmms.20211104.19

Khamdamova M. T., Barotova М.М. Laser photodynamic therapy in the treatment of cervical pathology // Academicia: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal https://saarj.com.ISSN: 2249-7137 Vol. 11, Issue 3, March 2021.

Khamdamova M. T., Rabiev S. N. Features of the course of pregnancy in women of different somatotypes // Academicia: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal https://saarj.com.ISSN: 2249-7137 Vol. 11, Issue 3, March 2021.

Khamdamova M. T., Akhmedov F.Kh. A study of ultrasound examination in the prevention of complications of operations on the biliary tract // Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR) https://www.tarj.in. ISSN: 2278-4853 Vol 10, Issue 9, September, 2021 Impact Factor: SJIF 2021 = 7.699.Р.212-214.


