
  • Ibrokhimov Sayyodbek Andijon state institute of foreign languages student of group 332
  • Mominova Ismugul Andijan state medical institute student of group 484
  • Yaxshiboyev Ahrorbek Academic supervisor

Ключевые слова:

preschool, children, educator, English, Curriculum, methodology, fun games, etc.


Our people believe that knowing the language is knowing the hand. In fact, English is now the most commonly spoken language on the planet. As a result, a comprehensive and systematic effort is underway in our country today to educate and teach this language. The fact that youngsters learn English from the start of their education will enable them to master multiple other languages swiftly and flawlessly in the future. As a result, the author outlines the methods and importance of teaching English in preschool education in this article.

Библиографические ссылки

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