
  • Abdullayeva Zakro Shadmankulovna Senior lecturer of the Department of Western Languages, Oriental University

Ключевые слова:

Integration, Universe, society, life, life, objects, activities.


In the national personnel training program adopted in our republic, the issue of wide application of interdisciplinary teaching to the educational process is now an urgent problem in general education schools. Several remarkable works are being carried out aimed at the application of new pedagogical technologies in integrated teaching in labor education classes, and the problems of educational and methodological support. Improving the system of public education 4 and applying information, communication, modern pedagogical and computer technologies to their educational process is a sign of the development and attention of the education system in our republic.

Библиографические ссылки

Mirziyoyev Sh.M. Speech at the joint session of the Oliy Majlis Chambers dedicated to the inauguration ceremony of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the topic "We will build a free and prosperous, democratic state of Uzbekistan together with our brave and noble people".-T: ―Uzbekistan‖, 2016 y, 56 p

Mirziyoyev Sh.M. Critical analysis, strict order, discipline and personal responsibility should be the daily rules of every leader's activity. Uzbekistan. 2017

Mirziyoyev Sh.M. "We will build our great future together with our brave and noble people." - Tashkent.: ―Uzbekistan‖, 2017. -486 p.

Karimov I.A. ‖The perfect generation - the foundation of the development of Uzbekistan‖, T:, ―Uzbekistan‖. 1997

Karimov I.A. ―High spirituality is an invincible power‖ T: ―Spirituality‖, 2008.

Republican Education Center of the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Unified State Education Standard and Curriculum. Labor education fine art, drawing, music culture, physical education. (grades 1-9). Tashkent. Original layout ―Marifat - Pres‖ 2010, 290 p.

Tolipov.O'.Q, Razzokov D., Bobojonova Q. Implementation of the State educational standard from labor education in general secondary schools. Methodical manual. UzPFITI laboratory. T.: 2000.

Abdullayeva Q.M. Basics of sewing design and modeling. T.: 2012. Study guide


