
  • Nargiza Burieva PhD, associate professor Jizzakh state pedagogical university

Ключевые слова:

linguistic consciousness, idiostyle, modern neology, philosophical fiction, virtual space, cultural components.


In the article, the author described the artistic image as a component of the English literary text, considered the artistic detail as a representative of the material image, described the linguistic content of the artistic detail when creating material images in the texts of the "fantasy" genre, revealed the main similarities and differences in the linguistic representation of images in the studied texts of the genre " fantasy".

Библиографические ссылки

Belyanin aspects of a literary text / . - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 19p.

Belousov's word in the works of modern science fiction: author. dis. cand. philologist, sciences / . - Maikop, 20p.

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Understanding cultures through keywords / Anna Vezhbitskaya. - M.: Languages of Slavic culture, 20p.

Ermakova - the symbolic meaning of the keyword "water" in L. Ulitskaya's novel "The Case of Kukotsky" / // Russian and comparative philology: state and prospects: International scientific conference dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Kazan University (Kazan, October 4-6, 2004 g.): Proceedings and materials: / Under the general. ed. - Kazan: Kazan Publishing House, University, 2004.-p.266-267.

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The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien and the problem of modern literary myth-making: author. dis. cand. philologist, sciences / . - L .: LGPU im. Herzen, 19p.

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pictures of the world / // The role of the human factor in the language: Language and picture of the world.-M., 1988.-p. 143.

Krongauz / . - M.: Ed. center

"Academy", 20p.

Kolshansky picture of the world in knowledge and language / . - M.; "Science", 19p.

Meadow of virtual space as a cultural and historical category (based on the epic of J. R. R. Tolkien "The Lord of the Rings"): manuscript dis. cand. philol. Sciences / . - Stavropol, 2006.-189p.

Miller concept as a semantic and aesthetic category / // World of the Russian word. - St. Petersburg, 2000.- No. 4.- p.

Whether Shmelev the words of the language be the key to understanding the culture? - M.: Languages of Slavic culture, 2001. - SRets. on the book: Understanding cultures through keywords / Anna Vezhbitskaya. - M : Languages of Slavic culture, 20p.


