
  • G’ T.Ikromov Toshkent shahar Shayhontoxur tumani 102-IDUMning kimyo fan o’qituvchisi, tel:(+998997909039)
  • Sh X.Shomurotova Nizomiy nomidagi TDPU, Kimyo va uni o’qitish metodikasi dotsenti, tel:(+998909000381,

Ключевые слова:

kimyo, pedagogik integratsiya, masala yechish, kimyoviy masalalar yechish klassifikatsiyasi, rivojlantiruvchi funksiya.


Ushbu maqolada kimyo fanidan masalalar yechish va shu asnoda ta’lim oluvchilarning fanni bilish darajasini oshirishda oʻqitish usullari haqida ma’lumotlar berilgan.

Библиографические ссылки

Shomurotova Sh.X.,Rajabova M. F. Anorganik birikmalarning asosiy sinflari mavzusini axborot texnologiyalari yordamida o’qitish metodikasi. Innovation in the modern education system: a collection scientific works of the International scientific conference (25th April, 2022) – Washington, USA: "CESS", 2022. Part 158-161.

Shomurotova, Sh X. "Oliy ta’lim tashkilotlarida innovatsion yondashuvlar asosida kimyo o’qitish metodikasini takomillashtirish." (2022):, 200-204.

Iskandarov A. Y., Shomurotova S. X., Kamolova N. Forming a methodology for developing students' creativity using creative methods in teaching chemistry to future chemistry teachers //International journal of discourse on innovation, integration and education. – 2020. – Т. 1. – №. 2. – С. 1-5.

Formanova S. B. Application of Pedagogical Technologies to the Topics of the Metals Department //Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology. – 2021. – С. 5499-5509.

Shomurotova S. X., Movlonova S. A., Abdulloyeva M. R. Oliy ta’lim muassasalarining fizik-kolloid kimyo kursida “Kolloid sistemalarning olish usullari. Maydalash va kondensatlash” mavzularini o’qitish metodikasi //Conference Zone. – 2022. – С. 81-82.

Shomurotova, S. X., Farmonova, S. B., Kamolova, N. I., & Movlonova, S. A. (2020). Improving the Methodology of Teaching the role of metals in Biochemical Processes using Pedagogical Texnologies. Engineering a Management Test, 83.

Шомуротова Ш. Х., Алимова Ф. А. Применение педагогических программных средств при изучении темы" гибридизация электронных орбиталей в комплексных соединениях" //Вопросы гуманитарных наук. – 2017. – №. 3. – С. 95-98.

Шомуротова Ш. Х. Роль и значение изучения комплексных соединений //BBC 94 Z 40. – С. 183.

Shomurotova Sh.X Samadova Z.Q. Kimyoni o'qitishda biologiya va geografiya fanlarining o'zaro bog’liqligi. innovative developments and research in education international scientific-online conference, canada 2022 , pp.145-147

Bobonazarovna, Formanova S., and Nabiyev A. Abduhamidovich. "Development of Mathematical Literacy in Chemistry Lessons."European Scholar Journal, vol. 2, no. 3, 2021, pp. 97-99.

Sh.B.Formanova. “Kimyodan masalalar yechish metodikasi”, (o‘quv qo‘llanma) T.: “Ilm-ziyo-zakovat”, 2020.

Formanova S. B. Application of Pedagogical Technologies to the Topics of the Metals Department //Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology. – 2021. – С. 5499-5509.

Sh.X.Shomurotova, U.O.Saidov. Kompleks birikmalar kimyosi fanini o'qitishda talabalarda amaliy ko'nikmalarni shakllantrish./Pedagogical sciences and teaching methods: a collection scientific works of the International scientific conference (12-13 June, 2021) - Copenhagen: "Science Edition", 2021. pp-22-24


