
  • Khurshida Hasanova teacher of Navoi State Pedagogical Institute
  • Nizomova Sitarabonu Bekzodzhonovna student of Navoi State Pedagogical Institute

Ключевые слова:

Fantasy, image system, creativity of linguistic and cultural comparison, science fiction, virtual world


The article deals with the linguistic and cultural comparison of the fantasy genre in the works. In the works, analysis and comparison is made from the point of view of changes in the system of images of literary sources. Fantasy, in particular, is characterized by such features as the transfer of internal conflict to the external plane, the shift of emphasis from the personal changes of the characters to their adventures, and the change of the hero's journey based on the story.

When analyzing the linguistic and cultural comparison of the fantasy genre, the works intended for a wide audience are distinguished by their closeness to the average fantasy formula, which includes the specific features of this genre.

Библиографические ссылки

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Cadden, Mike (2005). Ursula K. Le Guin Beyond Genre: Fiction for Children and Adults. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-99527-6.

Cummins, Elizabeth (1990). Understanding Ursula K. Le Guin. University of South Carolina Press. ISBN 978-0-87249-687-3.

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