
  • Ahmedov Oybek Saporbayevich Doctor of Philology Professor of English Language Teaching Methods, Uzbek State University of World Languages
  • Tilavova Malika Mamaraimovna Teacher of English Language Theory and Practice Department, JDPU (Jizzakh State Pedagogical University) Jizzakh city, Sh. Rashidov Street. Tel./fax. 2261357. 977939798

Ключевые слова:

phraseology, phraseological units, transformational method, semantics, conceptual analysis, expressive, concept, bibliophile, voracious reader, avid reader, prolific reader, booklouse, reader, bookworm, cram, savant, scholar


The article analyzes the lexical-semantic features of phraseological units in a comparative aspect. Their formation, more precisely, their formation, was also observed in a transformational way, and the attitude of these units to negative emotions was studied. Also, a study of structural features of words belonging to idioms, one of the educational phraseological units, was carried out.

Библиографические ссылки

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