
  • Ataniyazova Nargiza Jalgasbayevna Karakalpak State University The department of comparative linguistics and linguistic translation Head deputy of the student:
  • Mambetova Roza Baltabayevna


The aim of the article is developing pupils’ Ways of expressing the national mentality in translation and giving instruction to young learners different easy ways of translation. The article analyzes the content of the concept of national mentality and its main functions, and classifies the study of problems related to mentality by specialists in social philosophy, psychology, sociology from different angles. Also, the main functions of the concept of national mentality are revealed on a scientific basis.


The aim of the article is developing pupils’ Ways of expressing the national mentality in translation and giving instruction to young learners different easy ways of translation. The article analyzes the content of the concept of national mentality and its main functions, and classifies the study of problems related to mentality by specialists in social philosophy, psychology, sociology from different angles. Also, the main functions of the concept of national mentality are revealed on a scientific basis.


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// Interaction of Materials Resistance Science With Other GeneralMilitary Disciplines In Engineering Specialties // Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN: 1583- 6258, Vol. 10. , Issue 6, 2021, Pages. 2250-2257 Received 25 April 2021; Accepted 08 May 2021// https://www.annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/5789


