Ushbu tezizda O‘tkir Hoshimovning ”Ikki eshik orasi” romanida qo‘llangan ko‘makchilarning ma’nolari haqida so‘z boradi.
Библиографические ссылки
Mirzaqulov T. Grammatika o‘qitishning lingvistik asoslari. –T.: O‘qituvchi, 1994. – 56 6.
Ne’matov H., G‘ulomov A., Ziyodova T. O‘quvchilar so‘z boyligini oshirish. O‘qituvchilar uchun metodik qo‘llanma. –T.: O‘qituvchi,1996. – 125 b.
O‘tkir Hoshimov “Ikki eshik orasi” romani.
Holiqova, D. S. (2023). Methodology of developing students' reading and writing skills based on distance education technologies (in the example of English language materials). Current Issues of Bio Economics and Digitalization in the Sustainable Development of Regions (Germany), 7(2), 75-80.
Holiqova, D. S. (2023). Тенденции развития образования и педагогики. Conference, 1(5), 147-150.
Golovko, Y. V. (2022). The problem of defining and grouping of precedent related nominals. Konferensiya, 1(1), 265-270.
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Rakhimova, U. (2021). Hamid Olimjonning badiiy san'atlardan foydalanishdagi mahorati tahlili. UzA, 332153, 205-210.
Rakhimova, U. (2021). Muloqot jarayonida shaxs nutqi tadqiqi. "Obrazovaniye i nauka v XXI veke", 2(13), 764-769.
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