
  • Niyazova Gulxayo Parpiena (katta o’qituvchi);
  • Alimova Zebo Xamidullaevna (professor);
  • Sabirova Diloram Qobulovna (dotsent) Toshkent Davlat Transport Universiteti, O‘zbekiston

Ключевые слова:

suyuqlik, oqimlar, to’lqinlar, suyuqlik xossalari, kimyoviy o'zgarish.


Suyuqliklarni optimallashtirish yo’llaridan biri oqim tezligi va sarfini nazorat qilish. Oqimlarni o‘lchashning  bir qancha turlarii bor. Ularning ba’zilari oqayotgan suyuqlikda akustik to‘lqinlarning harakatlanishiga asoslangan, ba’zilari esa ta’sir qilayotgan kuchni hisoblaydi

Библиографические ссылки

G.P.Niyazova., “Muhandislik gidrologiyasi va gidrometriyasi” O‘quv

qo‘llanma., –T.:VNESHINVESTPROM – 2019.– 217 b.

Alimova Z.X. Transport vositalarida ishlatiladigan ekspluatatsion materiallar: Darslik/ –T.: «VNESHINVESTPROM», 2019.–235b.

N.Buddhi Hewakandamby. A first course in Fluid Mechanics for Enjineers. Angliy 2012 . -113 b.

5.T. Al-Shemmeri . Engineering Fluid Mechanics. 2012.- 107 b.

Sh. Latipov, O.Arifjanov, H.Kadirov, B.Toshov “Gidravlika va gidravlik mashinalar”. Darslik. A.Navoiy.: 2014.-433b.

Z.X.Alimova. Transport vositalarida ishlatiladigan ekspluatatsion materiallar. –T.: «Fan va texnologiya»,– 2014y.

Алимова, З. (2020). Пути улучшения свойств смазочных материалов применяемых в транспортных средствах. Монография, Vneshinvestprom.

Hamidullayevna, A. Z., & Ismailovich, I. K. (2023). Improving the ability of motor oils to the effects of high temperatures. Open Access Repository, 4(04), 77-81.

Alimova, Z. (2023). Effect of activation of alkaline additives in oils for wear of engine parts. Scienceweb academic papers collection.

Alimova, Z., & Ibrahimov, K. (2023). Dependence of changes in the properties of motor oils on the operating conditions of the engine. International Bulletin of Applied Science and Technology, 3(4), 288-292.

Hamidullayevna, A. Z., & Ismailovich, I. K. (2023). Causes of changes in the properties of motor oils in the high temperature zone of the engine. American Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 3(01), 1-5.

Hamidullayevna, A. Z., & Ismailovich, I. K. (2023). Antifriction Properties of Lubricants and Their Effect on the Viscosity of Oils. European Journal of Emerging Technology and Discoveries, 1(1), 65-68.

Alimova, Z., Axmatjanov, R., & Sidikov, F. (2023). Vliyanie ekspluatatsionnыx svoystv masel na texnicheskoe sostoyanie dvigatelya. Evraziyskiy jurnal texnologiy i innovatsiy, 1(4), 241-244.

Hamidullayevna, A. Z., & Ismailovich, I. K. (2023). Improving the ability of motor oils to the effects of high temperatures. Open Access Repository, 4(04), 77-81.

Hamidullayevna, A. Z., & Ismailovich, I. K. (2023). Antifriction properties of lubricants and their effect on the viscosity of oils. European Journal of Emerging Technology and Discoveries, 1(1), 65-68.

Hamidullayevna, A. Z., & Ismailovich, I. K. (2023). Causes of changes in the properties of motor oils in the high temperature zone of the engine. American Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 3(01), 1-5.

Alimova, Z., & Ibrahimov, K. (2023). Dependence of changes in the properties of motor oils on the operating conditions of the engine. International Bulletin of Applied Science and Technology, 3(4), 288-292.

Xamidullaevna, A. Z., Akhmatjanovich, M. M. I., Irgashevich, M. K., & Parpiena, N. G. (2023). Motor moylarining ishlash jarayonida oksidlanish xususiyatlarini o’rganish. World of Science, 6(4), 1-4.


