
  • Choriyev Nurislam Nuritdinovich Termiz davlat universiteti o’qituvchisi


raqamli simulyatsiyalar, muhandislik kasbi kompetensiyalari, amaliy tajribalar, interfaol va qiziqarli ta'lim, virtual laboratoriyalar, loyiha asosida o‘qitish.


Ushbu maqola talabalarda muhandislik kasbi kompetentsiyalarini rivojlantirishda innovatsion o'qitish yondashuvining samaradorligini o'rganishga qaratilgan. Interaktiv o'qitish usullari va hamkorlikdagi ta'lim faoliyati dasturida o'qiyotgan muhandislik talabalariga qaratilgan.


"Developing Engineering Competencies for Europe" edited by Michael E. Auer, Karl-Heinz Leitner, and Hermann Kaindl

"Improving Engineering Education: Insights from Research" edited by Richard M. Felder and Rebecca Brent

"Engineering Education: Designing an Adaptive System" by National Academy of Engineering

"Designing and Teaching Courses to Satisfy Engineering Accreditation Board Criteria" by Allen C. Estes

"Models of Excellence: The Center for the Advancement of Engineering Education" edited by Susan Bolton and Cindy Finelli

Minamatov, Y. E. U. (2021). APPLICATION OF MODULAR TEACHING TECHNOLOGY IN TECHNOLOGY. Scientific progress, 2(8), 911-913.

Minamatov, Y. E. O. G. L., & Nasirdinova, M. H. Q. (2022). APPLICATION OF ICT IN EDUCATION AND TEACHING TECHNOLOGIES. Scientific progress, 3(4), 738-740.

Minamatov, Y. E. O. G. L., & Yusupova, N. M. (2022). SMART TEXNOLOGIYALARDA TA’LIM JARAYONI. Central Asian Academic Journal of Scientific Research, 2(6), 441-445.

Zokirov, S. I., Sobirov, M. N., Tursunov, H. K., & Sobirov, M. M. (2019). Development of a hybrid model of a thermophotogenerator and an empirical analysis of the dependence of the efficiency of a photocell on temperature. Journal of Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers, 15(3), 49-57.

Горовик, А. А., & Турсунов, Х. Х. У. (2020). Применение средств визуальной разработки программ для обучения детей программированию на примере Scratch. Universum: технические науки, (8-1 (77)), 27-29.

Tursunov, H. H., & Hoshimov, U. S. (2022). TA’LIM TIZIMIDA KO‘ZI OJIZ O‘QUVCHILARNI INFORMATIKA VA AXBOROT TEXNOLOGIYALARI FANIDA O‘QITISH TEXNOLOGIYALAR. Новости образования: исследование в XXI веке, 1(5), 990-993.

Hamidullo o‘g‘li, T. H. (2022). HOZIRGI KUNNING DOLZARB IMKONIYATLARI. JAWS VA NVDA DASTURLARI. Scientific Impulse, 1(2), 535-537.

Hamidullo o‘g‘li, Tursunov Hojiakbar, and Boymuratov Erkin Kamolovich. "IMKONIYATI CHEKLANGAN O‘QUVCHILAR BILAN ISHLASH TAJRIBASI." Scientific Impulse 1.7 (2023): 648-653.

Tulanovna, K. G. ., & Esanali, M. Y. . (2023). Critical Thinking is Necessary in Education. Journal of Ethics and Diversity in International Communication, 3(4), 71–75. Retrieved from /jedic/article/view/2079


