
  • Yusufjonova Munisa Abdumannob qizi Student of Namangan State University


Cyanophyta, Synechococcaceae, Bacillariophyta, Microcystis pulverea, Xanthophyta, Cyanophyta, Monad, Hemimonad, Coccoid, Sarsinoid.


There is a morphological diversity in the structure of the body (cattana, thallus) of algae. The morphology of their body structure is an important feature in systematics, and it is used as bioforms in ecology. Morphological structures in the evolution of algae are combined into several types. Currently, S.P. Wasser (1989) and N.P. According to Masyuk (1981), there are 11 types of arogeny in the morphological structure of algae: monad, gemimonad, coccoid, sarcinoid, simple thread, thread of different thickness, parenchymatous, pseudoparenchymatous, siphonal, siphinocladial and amoeboid structures.



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