
  • Davlyatova Mavlyuda Bakhtiyorovna
  • Khodzhieva Niyozgul Zohirovna
  • Khudoyberdiyev Sherzod Shomurod ogli
  • Yuldoshov Laziz Tolibovich


product, drying, storage, transportation.


the constant growth of the world's population requires a significant increase in the yield of products in order to meet the demand for food.After the yield of the product is increased, the process of their storage occurs. When the product is stored, it will first need to be stored in a state in which their composition has not changed. In the current period, several different ways of storing products are carried out. Therefore ,when storing products , it is necessary to carry out methods that do not cost less, do not lose their naturalness intact, are convenient for storage and transportation.


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