
  • Gapurov U.U Assistant of department of Medical chemistry, Bukhara state medical institute Bukhara, Uzbekistan
  • Karimov J.S


Hydroxybenzoic acids, salicylic acid, gallic acid, protocatechuic Acid


Hydroxybenzoic acids are a class of organic compounds known for their diverse biological properties and medicinal significance. They belong to the broader category of phenolic acids and are characterized by the presence of a benzene ring with a hydroxyl (-OH) group attached to the benzene ring at the carboxylic acid position. The basic structure of hydroxybenzoic acids involves a benzene ring (phenyl group) with a carboxylic acid (-COOH) group and one or more hydroxyl (-OH) groups attached to different positions on the benzene ring. [1-9]


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Ниязов Л.Н., Брель А.К.,Бахромов Ҳ.Қ., Салитцил кислота амиди тузининг аминобутан кислота билан синтези.//Бухарский технологический институт:Развитие науки и технологий научно-технический журнал. –2020. – №5. – С. –44-46 б.

Ниязов Л.Н.,Брель А.К., Бахромов Ҳ.Қ. Салитцил кислота ҳосиласи, унинг натрийли ва калийли тузлари синтези ҳамда хоссалари .//Андижон давлат университети :Илмий хабарнома илмий- журн.–2020, –№7(51)–С. 28-38.

Гапуров У.У., Ниязов Л.Н. Исследование некоторых квантово-химических параметров соединения салициловой кислоты с глицином // Universum: Химия и биология : электрон. научн. журн. – 2020. – № 3(69). – С. 22-24

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