
  • Alimova Zebo Xamidullaevna (t.f.n, professor)
  • Aktamova Sabina Joʻraqul qizi


avtomobil transporti, benzinlili dvigatellar, yonish jarayoni, frakstion tarkib, havoning miqdori.


Benzinlili dvigatellarda yonish jarayoni tezligiga ko‘p omillar, yonilg‘ining tarkibi, havoning miqdori, namligi yonish kamerasi ichidagi bosim, harorat ta’sir qiladi. Yonish jarayoni normal kechganda yonilg’ining bir qismi alangalanib, alanga fronti sekin-asta kengayib boradi. Yonish tezligi bir xil tarqaladi, bosim ham bir tekisda oshib boradi, dvigatel esa ravon ishlaydi. Yonish jarayoniga benzinning frakstion tarkibi katta ta’sir ko’rsatadi.


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Alimova, Z., Makhamajanov, M. I., & Magdiev, K. (2022). The effect of changes in the viscosity parameters of engine oils on the operation of engine parts. Eurasian Journal of Academic Research, 2(10), 151-154.

Khamidullaevna, A. Z., & Akhmatjanovich, M. M. I. (2021). Environmental Safety in use Flammable Lubricants. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 19, 83-85.

Xamidullayevna, A. Z., & Ahmatjanovich, M. M. I. (2021). Study of Anti-Corrosion Properties of Lubricants and Ways to Improve them. Design Engineering, 3811-3819.

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Алимова, З. Х., Ахматжанов, Р. Н., & Усманов, И. И. (2021). Изучение особенностей влияния температуры испаряемости бензина при жарких климатических условиях на износ деталей двигателя.

Zebo, A., & Ilkhomjon, U. (2022). The dependence of the wear of engine parts on the evaporation temperature of gasoline. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 4(03), 7-11.

Alimova, Z. X., Usmonov, I. S., Sidikov, F. I., & Kodirov, A. G. (2021). Influence Of Gasoline Evaporation Temperature For Engine Running. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(12), 90-94.

Hamidullayevna, A. Z., Kabulovna, S. D., & Parpiyevna, N. G. (2022). Study of Engine Operation Features Depending on the Boiling Point of Gasoline for Hot Climates. Texas Journal of Engineering and Technology, 13, 41-43.

Khamidullaevna, A. Z., Akhmatjanovich, M. M. I., & Magdiev, K. I. (2022). Causes of changes in the viscosity parameters of motor oils during operation. Web of Scientist: International Scientific Research Journal, 3(10), 156-160.


