
  • Latipova Komila Dalimbekovna
  • Safarov Ulug‘bek Qarshiboy o‘g‘li
  • Ixrorova Surayyo Isroil qizi
  • Koraboyev Avazbek Alijon o‘g‘li


biotibbiyot muhandislik, mashinasozlik, elektrotexnika, elektronika, kimyoviy muhandislik, kimyo, matematika, jarrohlik roboti, transduserlar, buyrak dializi.


Ushbu maqolada biotibbiyot muhandisligiga integratsiya qilingan yo‘nalishlari, zamonaviy biologik tamoyillar, tibbiyot sohasida qo‘llanilishi, muhandislik tamoyillarining biologik bilimlar bilan uyg‘unligi, hatto hayotni saqlaydigan tushunchalarning rivojlanishiga yordam berishi, inson organlari va to‘qimalarining biotibbiyot muhandisligi dizayn muammolari sifatida tibbiy va biologik muammolarni hal qilishi, an’anaviy ravishda tibbiy davolanishni, jumladan diagnostika, monitoring va terapiyani yaxshilash uchun mantiqiy fan bo‘lib kelganligi, ish doirasi, tegishli sanoat standartlariga rioya qilgan holda shifoxonalarda ilg‘or tibbiy jihozlarni boshqarishi, muntazam sinovlar, profilaktik xizmat ko‘rsatish va jihozlar bo‘yicha tavsiyalar haqida so‘z brogan.


G.S. Sawhney. Fundamentals of biomedical engineering. – New Delh: New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers, 2007. Pp.273.

Bill Bryson Black Swan (2004): A Short History of Nearly Everything, Great Britain.

Cromwell Leslie, Weibell Fred J and Pfeiffer Erich A (2004): Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement (2nd Edition), Pearson Education, Delhi.

Kindersley Dorling: Ultimate Visual Dictionary, London.

John G Webster (Editor): Medical Instrumentation: Application and Design (3rd Edition), John Wiley and sons (Asia) Pvt. Ltd. Singapore.

Cromwell Leslie, Weibell Fred J and Pfeiffer Erich A (2004): Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement (2nd Edition), Pearson Education, Delhi.

Radha Krishan P., Subramanyan S. and Raju V. (2005): CAD/CAM/CIM, New Age Publication, New Delhi.

Tompkins Willis J. (Editor) (2004): Biomedical Digital Signal Processing, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.

Maxsudov V.G., Ermetov E.Ya., Sobirjonov A.Z., Abdurazzoqov J.T., Zuparov I.B. Modeling the formation of an electrocardiosignal in the vissim environment. International Journal of Engineering Mathematics: Theory and Application.

Maxsudov V.G., Ermetov E.Ya., Safarov U.Q., Norbutayeva M.K., Abdurazzoqov J.T. Tibbiyot sohasida differensial tenglamalarning qo‘llanishi. Russia: Obrazovanie Nauca I Innovatsionnye Idei V Mire. – C.-126-132.

Maxsudov V.G., Ermetov E.Ya., Sobirjonov A.Z., Abdurazzoqov J.T., Zuparov I.B. Modeling the formation of an electrocardiosignal in the VisSim. Egypt: International Journal of Engineering Mathematics: Theory and Application. – pp.13-26.

Maxsudov V.G. Technology of organization of modern lecture classes in higher education institutions. England: Modern views and research – 2021. 160-166 pp.

Maxsudov V.G. Improvement of the methodological basics of training of the section «Mechanical oscillations» in higher educational institutions. Dissertation. – Tashkent: 2018.

Maxsudov V.G. Technology of lecture organization in modern education.-Washington, USA, Collations of scientific works. 2021. 160-163 pp.

Maxsudov V.G. The use of distance learning technologies in the creation of e-learning courses in higher education by professors and teachers of higher education institutions. Study guide. – Tashkent, 2021. Pp 256.

Maxsudov V.G. Гармоник тебранишларни инновацион технологиялар асосида ўрганиш («Кейс-стади»,«Ассесмент»,«Венн диаграммаси» мисолида). – Тошкент, Замонавий таълим. №7., 2017. 11-16 б.


