
  • Shakhzod Abdullayev MA Student, Uzbekistan State World Languages University
  • Begoyim Kholbekova Associate Professor, Uzbekistan State World Languages University


syntax, semantics, language, meaning, grammar, linguistic analysis, sentence structure, word order, syntactic devices, linguistic interpretation, context, syntax-semantics interface, theoretical frameworks, generative Grammar, cognitive linguistics, formal semantics, language acquisition, computational linguistics, natural language processing, linguistic variation.


This article delves into the intricate relationship between syntax and semantics, two fundamental aspects of language that play a crucial role in conveying meaning. Syntax refers to the rules governing the arrangement of words and phrases to form grammatically correct sentences, while semantics deals with the study of meaning in language. By exploring the interplay between syntax and semantics, this article seeks to shed light on how these linguistic components work together to create coherent and meaningful communication. Through a comprehensive examination of their relationship, this article aims to enhance our understanding of the complexities underlying language structure and interpretation.


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