
  • Azimjon Musamukhamedov Djamalidinovich
  • Nasiba Muxtorova Shuxratovna

Ключевые слова:

business education, entrepreneurship, university and Uzbekistan


In today’s globalized world the business outcomes are becoming more dependent on education, skills and practices of business environment. The paths of careers are becoming more important factors in every land. This dissertation research analyzes the impact of entrepreneurial education on business people in Uzbekistan. In order to find the the answer to the main objective of dissertation we tried to explore the effect that business education can have a business outcome in Uzbekistan. There are basically three objectives in this study, the first is to explore the main effects and impacts for business owner’s skills to run their businesses in Uzbekistan, and the second is to explore how the governmental universities are influencing on entrepreneurs’ success to their business running well and last is how the private universities effect in determined rate on business in Uzbekistan. The methodology is quantity. For researching the tools were Google. The survey was based on the responses of 201 participants. These researchers are mainly representatives of various industries and businesses in today's Uzbekistan, which emerged in collaboration with them and were used for analysis. Such surveys are conducted in many countries around the world, but this is just the beginning of the research that is just being launched in our country by the questionnaire. Happily, among the participants are graduate students of WIUT, whose answers are based directly on the situation of learning and study of business and analysis of the university teaching and they are more transparent in determining the force of impact of education as well.


Библиографические ссылки

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2022-09-05 — Обновлена 2022-09-10



